about > mission
Improved animal protection through system reform
We believe animal neglect and cruelty are cultural problems (i.e., beliefs and behaviors by individuals) and institutional problems (i.e., outdated systems and processes governing animals at state and local levels).
Our mission: To protect animals and prevent cruelty through constructive and sustainable reforms of the Minnesota criminal and civil justice systems.
Core to this mission is system reform — to assess what is needed systemically to improve the enforcement of animal law and prevention of animal cruelty in Minnesota.
To achieve the above, Animal Folks focuses on five core programs:
• Animal Cruelty Research
We research animal cruelty issues and Minnesota animal cruelty cases for analysis and use in systemic reforms.
Example: Animal Folks has created an Animal Cruelty Databank with animal cruelty cases (convictions) since 2008. We submit requests for data regularly to police departments, sheriff offices, and state and federal agencies. Data is used in analysis, reports, and testimony. We also conduct extensive research on multiple animal topics, including puppy mills and the harm to animals.
• Civil and Criminal Justice Program
We report suspected or known animal cruelty and related crimes against animals, and work with victims traumatized by cruelty.
Example: Animal Folks files animal cruelty complaints wth authorities, seeking justice for animals. We work with local and state authorities, providing information on Minnesota law. We also assist victims of animal cruelty, helping them navigate the legal system in Minnesota.
• Animal Law Resources
We foster competency across disciplines by providing training to Minnesota authorities responsible for the enforcement of animal law.
Example: Animal Folks develops training programs, processes, and other resources for use by authorities in the enforcement of animal law. We convened a team to write the Animal Cruelty Chapter in the MN Judge's Criminal Benchbook. We wrote the Veterinary Manual for Reporting Animal Cruelty (for MN-licensed veterinarians). We are currently training veterinary students at the University of Minnesota to identify, document, and report animal cruelty.
• Legislative Action
We support state and local legislative efforts, including crafting of humane laws, lobbying, and advocacy that promote protection and welfare of animals.
Example: Working with residents and elected officials, Animal Folks has passed humane pet store locals in multiple Minnesota cities. We write, lobby, and lead advocacy efforts for multiple state bills to protect animals. Current state bills: Office of Animal Protection bill and Companion Animal Board bill.
• Outreach and Education
We educate the public on animal law and cruelty issues, and collaborate with stakeholders involved with animal care and animal law.
Example: To promote animal protection, Animal Folks hosts booths at local events and conferences, including the Minnesota State Fair. We distribute information on animal protection issues. We also maintain multiple websites, social media, and a monthly online newsletter to disseminate information.
Annual Reports
Click on links to read each annual report. Link to 990s posted below.
2023 Animal Folks Annual Report
AF 990 FY2023: in process; will be posted here
2022 Animal Folks Annual Report.
For the AF 990 FY2022, click here.
2021 Animal Folks Annual Report.
For the AF 990 FY2021, click here.
2020 Animal Folks Annual Report.
For the AF 990, FY2020, click here.
2019 Animal Folks Annual Report.
For the AF 990, FY2019, click here.
2018 Animal Folks Annual Report.
Expenses by major programs:
Program: $103,004.
Animal Cruelty Research $33,649
Criminal and Civil Justice $8,240
Animal Law Resources $43,261
Legislative Action $7,554
Outreach & Education $10,300
Management: $17,056.
Fundraising: $15,361.
For the AF 990, FY2018, click here.
2017 Animal Folks Annual Report.
Expenses by major programs:
Program: $128,493.
Animal Cruelty Research $66,833
Criminal and Civil Justice $1,052
Animal Law Resources $39,156
Legislative Action $12,284
Outreach & Education $9,168
Management: $13,643.
Fundraising: $25,770.
For the AF 990, FY2017, click here.
2016 Animal Folks Annual Report.
Expenses by major programs:
Program: $128,372.
Management: $14,383.
Fundraising: $15,439.
2015 Animal Folks Annual Report.
Statement of Nonviolence
Animal Folks believes animals deserve to live a quality life void of cruelty and suffering at the hands of humans. We believe violence toward animals is a serious crime and must be confronted legally, institutionally, and culturally. These types of crimes are difficult to see or read about and often provoke strong emotions and reactions. While we understand these reactions and frustrations, Animal Folks does not encourage or condone violence as a response. We denounce violence—exempified by personal attacks, threats, degrading or hateful language, physical assaults, or destruction of property—in all forms, and believe hostility against humans can undermine efforts to create compassion and understanding for animals. We believe peaceful and respectful actions through education, advocacy, and dialogue are the best methods to achieve our mission. Animal Folks will speak fearlessly and with conviction to protect animals, and we reject violence against all animals—human and non-human.
Animal Folks (AF) is a 501c3 animal protection organization. Donations are tax-deductible.
