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Creation of Minnesota Office of Animal Protection


The Minnesota Office of Animal Protection (MN OAP) bill has been introduced in the 2025 legislative session. Senate bill: S.F. 1163 (author: Sen. John Marty / House bill: H.F. 1816 (Rep. Matt Norris).

To learn more about the bill, why it is needed, and bill status, go to:





Cruelty to animals is a serious crime - not only to animals but also to humans. Animal cruelty is linked to human violence, including child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, sexual abuse, and other crimes.

The Minnesota Office of Animal Protection, to be housed in the MN Department of Public Safety, will provide statewide assistance to local, state, and Tribal agencies and other authorities involved in the prevention, investigation, and prosecution of animal cruelty.

Learn more at website above.



Over the years, Animal Folks has studied animal cruelty and enforcement efforts to protect animals and humans. We have interviewed numerous authorities and animal law experts, locally and nationally, who have provided input into best practices.

We have developed reforms, including training manuals, training sessions, a databank of animal cruelty cases, an animal cruelty chapter for the Judge's Criminal Benchbook, and other initiatives, within the Minnesota criminal justice system.

This research and work has shown us the need for a MN Office of Animal Protection.

Learn more at website above.



KEY: The OAP bill is focused on criminal law (animal cruelty) and applies to all animals.





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