
animal law

mn government

state: how bill becomes law

state bills

state bill: OAP

state bill: CAB

state law: vet immunity

federal government

federal: animal welfare act

    AWA-Public Input
    AWA-ACP Manual

local government

local: pet store ordinance

local: CUP


  legislation > local government


Animal neglect and cruelty issues are often handled at the local level through county government, municipalities (i.e. cities, townships), animal care and control departments (operated by the city), and police or sheriff departments.


Minnesota counties

There are 87 counties in Minnesota. Each county varies in its ordinances relative to animal protection. Below is a link to websites for Minnesota’s counties.


Local government websites

The link below provides a comprehensive listing of individual websites for Minnesota cities, counties, townships, associations, special districts and other local government links.


Local Government Associations

The following are links to state and national local government associations.


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