
animal law

mn government

state: how bill becomes law

state bills

state bill: OAP

state bill: CAB

state law: vet immunity

federal government

federal: animal welfare act

    AWA-Public Input
    AWA-ACP Manual

local government

local: pet store ordinance

local: CUP

  legislation > mn government > governor


The Governor has the power to lead and set direction for how Minnesota will act. He or she is responsible for preparing Minnesota’s long-range plan, our State’s vision.

The Governor is also ultimately responsible for the State’s operations (administration of state government), the money (proposal of biennial budgets), the laws (proposal and review of legislation), and the staff (appointments of people, such as Commissioner for the Dept. of Agriculture, board members on the Board of Animal Health), all of whom can impact decisions regarding animals.

Various Governors throughout the United States are now recognizing the problem of ianimal maltreatment. These Governors have begun to question how animals have been viewed and treated, and are re-structuring their State departments to better reflect the evolving beliefs and needs of their citizens.

Minnesotans have the chance to work collaboratively with policy-makers to create effective governance, starting at the top.       

The Minnesota Governor is Tim Walz.

Website: Office of Governor


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