
animal law

mn government

state: how bill becomes law

state bills

state bill: OAP

state bill: CAB

state law: vet immunity

federal government

federal: animal welfare act

    AWA-Public Input
    AWA-ACP Manual

local government

local: pet store ordinance

local: CUP

  legislation > government > judicial


There are three types of courts in Minnesota: District Courts, Court of Appeals and the Minnesota Supreme Court. Each is important as they can determine the fate, through judicial decisions, of animal protection, care and welfare.

The District (Trial) Courts
All civil disputes and criminal cases are resolved by the District Courts, as well as family, juvenile and probate actions and violations of city ordinances. There are ten judicial districts and 281 district court judges. (The geography for the District courts is not the same as the geographical borders for political, voting districts.)


The Court of Appeals
The purpose of the Court of Appeals is to correct errors — to look at a legal decision made by the District Courts, state agencies, or local governments and determine if an error has been made. The Minnesota Court of Appeals has 16 judges.

The Minnesota Supreme Court
Minnesota’s Supreme Court is “the state’s court of last resort, serving as the final guardian of the state constitution and interpreting/applying the United States Constitution.” (per Agency Profile). Its decisions impact all citizens in Minnesota. There are seven judges on the Supreme Court in Minnesota.

The Minnesota Attorney General
The Attorney General is “the chief legal officer for the State of Minnesota. The Office represents and provides legal advice to over 100 state agencies, boards and commissions.” (per website) This Office is the state’s law enforcer of areas such as consumer protection. The Attorney General for Minnesota is Keith Ellison.


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